Friday, June 24, 2016

Serenity, Loss and Changes

This page has been reposted from an old block at the time when my trees were still alive, I miss them terribly.

Reflections in the pool
misty garden
a breath of serenity

“Of course my moods change, but the average is serenity. I have a firm faith in art, a firm confidence in its being a powerful stream which carries a man to a harbor, though he himself must do his bit too; at all events, I think it such a great blessing” 
Vincent van Gogh
Tomorrow, they will come to cut down one of my birch trees which looks very sad, I hope we can save the main trunk, perhaps the smaller branches will stay alive.
It is hard to see my garden changing, the trees hanging over the pool look gorgeous, but make a huge mess, we did not plant them, but even tho we have to work hard to keep the pool clean, I appreciate the micro forest in the backyard.

These trees have provided me with many lovely branches for my Spirit Dolls, it is with a sad but thankful heart that I will see it go. At present date the pine trees have been removed as well.

Friday afternoon...this was painful to watch, but some of the branches were dead and they were right over the pool, I hope some of those new branches get stronger, otherwise, we will have to cut down the tree near the wall.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it so sad when the trees die ...We had a three hundred year old elm drop a few years ago because it had dutch elm disease... It was the last elm standing in the whole town ... It’s arms just fell to the ground and shook the area ... and the house like a earthquake...THEN of course we had to cut the rest of it down because it was a hazard.... NOW ..It has rejuvenated itself and sprouted new growth from stump ...So that is a “ HAPPY” Story... Your trees are still live on within the ‘ Spirit Dolls “ that you created from its limbs....AND what beautiful Spirits they are !!!!!
